Do I have an eating disorder?
Eating Disorders with The Therapy Shed in Doncaster
An eating disorder does not discriminate, people of any age, gender, sexuality or race can develop an eating disorder at any time. It is a complex mental illness that requires specialist treatment and support. An eating disorder is not a ‘phase that someone will grow out of’. Getting the right treatment and support early can make all the difference.
We may think that people with eating disorders look a certain way, e.g., skeletally thin or obese. This is not the case. Statistics show that 85% of people with an eating disorder are not underweight and Beat Eating Disorder Charity predict that around 1.25 million, that is a staggering 1 in 50 people that have an eating disorder of some kind.
You may also think that eating disorders are all about food. This is not really the case, people with eating disorders develop a disordered way of eating to help them deal with other ‘things’ e.g., stress, difficult emotions, trauma or difficult life events. Some people may develop eating disorders at times in their lives when they feel out of control.
If you or a loved one is struggling with an eating disorder, specialist therapy is advised.
Do I have an eating disorder?
If this is a question you have been asking yourself or maybe you are wondering if a loved one has an eating disorder, you can head over to my blog Do I have an Eating Disorder to find out more about some of the specific eating disorders.
I have trained to master practitioner level with The National Centre of Eating Disorders, and I understand the complexities and challenges clients face when recovering from an eating disorder. My aim is to create a safe, non-judgmental space for my clients to open up about their difficulties with food or their body and help them to build the life they want outside of their eating disorder and find freedom with food and their bodies, and having had my own struggles in my late teens and early twenties with an eating disorder I understand how difficult this is but I am also proof that recovery is possible.
If you would like to discuss starting your recovery journey, you can drop me an email or phone call - You can do this!